Slow Weight Loss
Making the commitment to go on a weight loss journey can be very exciting but also a bit scary. When you decide to lose weight, you know you are making a lifestyle change.
This is why it could be quite frustrating when your weight loss slows down. In the beginning, things may be going very well for you. Each week when you see the scale dropping, this is motivation in and of itself. But when that scale stays stagnant, it can be quite frustrating to stay on protocol.
There can be several reasons for slow or stalled weight loss. Below are a few tips to help you achieve success weight loss:
Watch your carbohydrates
In order to be in effective weight loss, it is important to reduce your carbohydrate intake. For ketogenic weight loss programs, most people need to eat under 50 net carbs per day.
You may not realize that all fruits and all vegetables are carbohydrates. Yes, fruits and vegetables are healthy, and are loaded with vitamins and nutrients, however, if you are eating too many of them, it can actually stall, or slow down, your weight loss. In fact, because fruit and starchy vegetables have a lot of carbohydrates, you may want to consider temporarily eliminating them from your diet during weight loss. Once you have met your weight loss goal, you can add them back in.
For those following the Ideal Protein protocol, fruit and high starchy vegetables are excluded from your diet. Low glycemic index vegetables are limited to 4 cups per day.
If you are experiencing stalled weight loss:
- Make sure that you are weighing/measuring your select vegetables. Over eating your select vegetables, can increase your carbohydrate intake to an amount that will slow your weight loss down.
- It is also a good idea to increase the variety of select vegetables that you are eating instead of just eating the same vegetables every day.
- Limit the unlimited vegetables to just two side salad portions per day (no more than 4 cups total) and no grazing.
- Reduce or eliminate occasional vegetables.
- Eliminate restricted Ideal Protein food items. Because these items have more carbohydrates in them than the other IP items, this can affect some people’s weight loss.
- Choose IP foods with less than four net carbs per serving.
Watch your fat intake
This is the most common mistake I see in people doing ketogenic diet’s on their own. People tend to eat high amounts of fat and don’t understand why they are not losing weight. Being in ketosis simply means you’re getting your energy from fat instead of carbohydrates. If you are eating a high fat diet, you’ll be burning the fat that you’re eating instead of the fact that you are storing. In order to be in weight loss, you have to reduce your carbohydrates and your calories. If you are experiencing slow or stalled weight loss, you may want to start counting your calories.
For those on Ideal Protein, your fat intake is reduced through the protocol. You are limited to 2 teaspoons of healthy oils per day. You will also be getting some fat from your dinner protein as well from the mandatory omega-3 fatty acid supplement.
If you are experiencing stalled weight loss:
- Be careful, you are not over pouring on your healthy oils. Measure out 1 teaspoon at lunchtime and 1 teaspoon at dinner time.
- Switch to leaner whole protein choices, such as white fish, shrimp, egg whites, skinless, boneless chicken breast, and firm, plane tofu.
- If you are using a lot of the daily optional items, you may want to consider reducing the number. Although these daily optional items are allowed, they do have calories. For some people, this may negatively effect their weight loss.
Stay Hydrated
Hydration is an important part of weight loss. While on Ideal Protein, your goal is to drink 64 ounces of water per day. Begin with at least 16 ounces of water and increase your water intake gradually by 8 ounces every 2 to 3 days. Also, be sure to keep up with your electrolyte balance by using the mandatory teaspoon of sea salt per day and taking your mandatory vitamins and supplements.
Meal timing
Waiting too long in between your meals can slow your weight loss down. This can also cause your blood sugar levels to tank and lead you to making poor food choices because you are hangry.
- Consume all your food within a consistent 10 to 12 hour window.
- Finished eating 2 to 3 hours before bedtime.
- Allow no more than 3 to 4 hours between meal times. Eat your meals, do not graze. Each side salads with meals, not between meals.
Eating out
It is very hard to control the quality of ingredients when eating out. Sometimes you may think you are ordering a healthy food option however, you may not know how much extra fat and/or calories are added into the meal.
- Take a break from eating out and getting restaurant takeout food
- Eat only food prepared by trusted cooks
- If eating out, plan and prepare well. Choose restaurants, review menus, and make selections in advance.
- Talk to your waiters and let them know you are on a restricted diet. Do not be afraid to alter the menu.
Artificial Sweeteners
Too many artificial sweeteners can slow your weight loss down. Artificial sweeteners can cause insulin spikes and stimulate the hunger hormone, causing you to eat more.
- Do not exceed a combination of 0 calorie items per day (including all gums, mints, salad dressings, syrups, sweetener packets, etc.
Sex hormones and stress hormones can interfere with weight loss. It is normal for women to experience a slow week of weight loss around her menstrual cycle. However, if your sex hormones and/or stress hormones are out of balance, this can have a more long lasting effect and possibly lead to weight loss resistance. Speaking with a functional medicine doctor can help you to regulate your hormone levels.
Poor sleep quality has been shown to be a major factor in weight gain as well as slow weight loss.
- Make sure you are getting at least eight hours of sleep each night.
- Turn off electronics one to two hours before bedtime
- Meditate for 20 minutes before bedtime
- Take 0.5 mg to 3 mg of melatonin one hour before bedtime.
Too much exercise
Too much physical exercise can also slow weight loss down if you are on a calorie restricted diet. If you have recently increased your intensity, frequency, or duration of activity, return to the previous level of exercise or activity that did not negatively affect your weight loss.
- A daily 15 to 20 minute walk is highly encouraged as well as slow and control strength training. You should not be out of breath and should be able to hold a conversation.
High amounts of emotional stress can also negatively effect your weight loss. If you are experiencing high amounts of stress, take measures to reduce your stress.
- Yoga, meditation, daily walks, journaling, and therapy are great ways to reduce stress levels.
Certain medication‘s may interfere with weight loss. Refer to your healthcare provider for any necessary weight related dosage reductions. Check with your prescriber for an alternative medication option that does not have weight related side effects. For over-the-counter medication’s, like cough syrup, switch to sugar free, carb free, and alcohol, free versions of desired over-the-counter remedies.
The Bottom Line
There can be several reasons for slow or stalled weight loss. Figuring out why you are having slow or stalled weight loss to can seem quite overwhelming. This is why working with the weight loss coach is beneficial. A weight loss coach can help investigate what is going on and lead you to success once more.